Re: Firearms -Reply Judith Opacki 06 Jul 1998 16:27 EST

From the perspective of a field research support person, I do not find
Phyllis' question and the PI's question to be unreasonable.

For instance, we operate a research aircraft that is actually an airborne
laboratory for atmospheric science studies.  We recently participated in a
project in the high Arctic near Barrow, Alaska, where polar bears are not
uncommon.  A suitable rifle was part of our survival gear.  Furthermore,
the US DOE personnel at Barrow all received required firearms training for
survival protection from the Sandia National Laboratory firearms expert
who flew to Barrow expressly for that purpose.  Finally, I was told that
many persons who participated in the interagency (NSF, ONR, etc.)  SHEBA
experiment aboard the ship floating with the Arctic ice also received
firearms training.

Polar bears are no joke.

However, our survival rifle was not purchased with grant funds.  During
some past experiments, we secured a loaned rifle from a local sporting
goods store.  Considering, though, that DOE required such training for its
personnel, I tend to believe that the purchase would be an allowable
expense at least on a DOE award.

Judith Opacki, Administrator            Tel: (206) 543-6026
Cloud & Aerosol Research                Fax: (206) 685-7160 or 543-0308
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
University of Washington
Box 351640
Seattle, WA  98195-1640  USA