Re: Firearms -Reply Kevin Brodrick 06 Jul 1998 15:32 EST


Wouldn't it be more prudent to hire a bodyguard/guide or the like for the PI,
rather than to let a Scientist loose with a loaded weapon?  Humor aside, I
think that you should also focus on the danger of an untrained person using a
firearm.  I would also imagine that it would be easier to justify contracting a
bodyguard/guide/sherpa/whatever than to purchase a weapon which may or may not
be needed and then only once?

From: Phyllis Shaw <xxxxxx@COMP.UARK.EDU>
Subject: Re: Firearms -Reply
Date: Monday, July 06, 1998 3:56 PM

A stun-gun or tranquilizer-dart-gun seemed like an appropriate assumption
for <<me >>to make, so I asked if that was the type of gun the P.I. was
asking about.  I was given the <<impression>> that the P.I. was NOT
thinking about a non-lethal type of firearm, though I was not given any
definite response either way.

In answer to another question on this:  No.  The P.I. did not include in
the proposal any indication that he/she would be going into areas that
would require "protection".

At 02:43 PM 7/6/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Are you talking about a stun-gun?
Phyllis T. Shaw
Research Accountant
Financial Affairs
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701