Re: Firearms -Reply Sally Eckert-Tilotta (Sally Eckert-Tilotta) 06 Jul 1998 15:11 EST

We had a DOE grant in which the PIs would venture into areas that required
personal protection.  A gun was included as part of the draft budget, and we
looked to see if there was any problem.  We came to the conclusion that we
needed to fully justify in the budget, but it did seem like an allowable item.
However, we never got to the stage at which a grants officer at DOE said yes/no.
 The PI decided to take his personal weapon.

Maybe talk to the agency grants officer/policy office.

Sally Eckert-Tilotta, PhD, Assistant to the Director
Office of Research and Program Development
University of North Dakota
Grand Forks, ND  58202
tel:  701-777-2049
fax: 701-777-2504

>>> Phyllis Shaw <xxxxxx@COMP.UARK.EDU> 07/06 2:56 PM >>>
A stun-gun or tranquilizer-dart-gun seemed like an appropriate assumption
for <<me >>to make, so I asked if that was the type of gun the P.I. was
asking about.  I was given the <<impression>> that the P.I. was NOT
thinking about a non-lethal type of firearm, though I was not given any
definite response either way.

In answer to another question on this:  No.  The P.I. did not include in
the proposal any indication that he/she would be going into areas that
would require "protection".

At 02:43 PM 7/6/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Are you talking about a stun-gun?
Phyllis T. Shaw
Research Accountant
Financial Affairs
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR 72701