EPA Form 4700-04; Preaward Compliance Review Report Terry A. May 02 Jul 1998 11:10 EST

This is now apparently required by EPA and focused on civil rights
compliance with various Federal laws.  The first question asks, "Are any
civil rights lawsuits or complaints pending against applicant and/or
recipient?"  Other similar questions are included.  The form also request
information about the target population which is difficult to define.  Are
other institutions filling this out - or claiming it is NOT APPLICABLE as
is allowed?

Terry A. May, Ph.D.                       Voice:    520-523-6788
  Director of Research Administration     FAX:      520-523-1075
  Office of Grant & Contract Services     INTERNET: xxxxxx@nau.edu
  100 Babbitt Admin. Ctr., Box 4130
  Northern Arizona University
  Flagstaff, AZ  86011-4130