(no subject) sallyh@xxxxxx 05 Jun 1998 12:05 EST

This comment is in response to Gerald Goldberger's request.  The Office of
Sponsored Programs at UNLV has utilized RAMS-FIE  software for
approximately 10 years.  Beginning with MIRS, then upgrading to RAMS and
now the quintessential  NT Windows operated database for sponsored programs
- NextERA.

Like anything new, it takes time to feel comfortable with the new system.
Our office consists of four workstations utilizing an NT server.   We use
the Proposal Management, Award Management, Researcher Profile and when
available the Proposal Development modules.  As with any new software there
are a few 'kinks' to be worked out.  We have found the RAMS-FIE folks most
accommodating to our needs.  One problem we have is our older data (dating
back to 1987) did not convert in a way that can be accessed.  Therefore we
keep the old RAMS system on our server.  This does not create a problem for
we rarely need to access such data.  The more recent data  did convert with
no problem.

A basic understanding of the operations of a database is most useful when
attempting the R&R Report Writer.  Again I relied a great deal on RAMS-FIE
for technical support.  They were great.  I believe it would be useful to
attend some R&R training classes.  Our institution would like to host such
training classes.  Would any one be interested in attending?

Our office has made a committment to ERA therefore NextERA upgrade was the
logical progression for us.  We have an NT server dedicated to ERA usage
which  is large enough to handle the Proposal Development modules when it
becomes available.


Sally A Hamilton
Assistant Director, Sponsored Programs
University of Nevada Las Vegas