Re: multiple messages -Reply Herbert B. Chermside 03 Jun 1998 16:08 EST

I, also, prefer to have AT LEAST THE IMPORTANT/RELEVANT parts of the
question with the response.  If the question/answer is complex, or several
pats, INTERSPERSE THE ANSWER within the original message.  Also, feel free
to delete the unnecessary parts of the original question (e.g., for this
one I removed all the header and signator material).


At 04:44 PM 6/3/98 -0400, Evelyn Ford wrote:
>Frankly, even though it takes up extra space, I prefer having the
>original message in the response.  It gets much too confusing to jump
>back to another message to figure out exactly what was asked.

Herbert B. Chermside, CRA
Director, Sponsored Programs Administration
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