Subject reimbursement -Reply Evelyn Ford 28 May 1998 07:17 EST

We submit a check request to our Accounts Payable.  The check request,
of course, has the subject's name and SSN.  We do use gift
certificates for one of our programs, and also occasionally make
petty cash disbursements to a PI (with receipts) when he/she has
reimbursed the subject directly for parking, etc.

-- Evelyn Ford
Evelyn J. Ford, Research Administrator
Allegheny University of the Health Sciences
Center for Neurosciences Research
Allegheny General Hospital
320 East North Avenue, 14 S.T.
Pittsburgh PA 15212-4772
voice 412.359.4475
FAX 412.359.4499

>>> "Mary T. Spina, CRA" <xxxxxx@NWU.EDU> - 5/27/98 2:56 PM >>>
Hi everyone --

I know this has been a subject before, but I need to bring it up once

How are your institutions paying subjects for their participation in
research study?  Do you pay them in cash?  If you pay them with a
how do you ensure confidentiality?

This has re-surfaced again at our institution and we are looking at
payment mechanism.  Any insight would be welcome.  Thanks!

- Mary

Mary T. Spina, CRA
Grants Administration
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
345 E. Superior Street, Room 1512
Chicago, IL 60611-3015
Phone:  (312) 908-2908
FAX:    (312) 908-2208
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- Walt Disney