Re: Subject reimbursement kathleen sobieralski 27 May 1998 15:05 EST


At the University of Notre Dame individual receipts
are obtained with the signatures of the recipients.
(The signatures are generally illegible).  The receipts
are submitted with a request for reimbursement or to
account for funds advanced for subject fees.  A log might
be used as an alternative to the receipts.  The names
are not printed or otherwise identified.

The actual identities of the subjects are kept only in the
program files of the principal investigator.  Accounting
knows they are available for there in case of audit but
relies on the program description, event notices and the
receipts or receipt log.


At 12:56 PM 5/27/98 -0600, you wrote:
>Hi everyone --
>I know this has been a subject before, but I need to bring it up once again.
>How are your institutions paying subjects for their participation in a
>research study?  Do you pay them in cash?  If you pay them with a check,
>how do you ensure confidentiality?
>This has re-surfaced again at our institution and we are looking at our
>payment mechanism.  Any insight would be welcome.  Thanks!
>- Mary
>Mary T. Spina, CRA
>Grants Administration
>Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
>345 E. Superior Street, Room 1512
>Chicago, IL 60611-3015
>Phone:  (312) 908-2908
>FAX:    (312) 908-2208
>"It is kind of fun to do the impossible."
>- Walt Disney
Kathleen L. Sobieralski, Accountant
Research & Sponsored Programs Accounting
University of Notre Dame
810 Grace Tower
Notre Dame IN   46556-5612

219-631-5437  (phone)
219-631-8549      (fax)