Re: Software/memory upgrades completed...
Linda Richardson 14 May 1998 12:36 EST
I am having the same problem. My old email address was
The new address is
I tried to unsubscribe under the old one before subscribing under the new
one, but it doesn't look like it worked. Can you help me? Also, while
migrating to the new email address, I missed some of my email. I know
there is a new system for the RESADM Listserv, but not what address to send
email commands to the listserv itself, nor how to reach the person managing
it. I'd like to change to the digest version of the listserv, receiving it
at my new address. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help....
At 07:46 AM 5/14/98 -0400, you wrote:
>You were subscribed under two addresses. I just removed the one you
>weren't using. You should get a notice saying the address was removed.
>You're all set...
>-- Mike
>xxxxxx@WCIC.CIOE.COM on 05/14/98 12:28:37 AM
>Please respond to
>cc: (bcc: Mike L. Varney/HRI/DOH)
>Subject: Re: Software/memory upgrades completed...
>I've got a slightly different problem that I hope you can help me with.
>Suddenly, I'm getting two (2) copies of every message posted to the
>RESADM-List. Is this something you can fix ? Or, should I UNSUBSCRIBE
>and then RE-SUBSCRIBE ?
>Lou Pellegrino
>xxxxxx@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US wrote:
>> (My previous note may not have gotten to all members... I apologize if
>you > receive this twice!)
>> The software and memory upgrades that have kept RESADM-L quiet for the
>last > couple of days have been completed.
>> We have reason to believe that due to a typographical error included in
>the > default configuration files included with server's email system
>upgrade, it > is possible that some email which had been accumulating over
>the two days > the system was down may have been lost. This would include
>any RESADM-L > submissions (and LISTSERV commands) sent after about 10AM on
>Tuesday 5/12 > through about 3:30PM on 5/13. This would also include the
>RESADM-L digests > for 5/12.
>> If you sent any submissions to the list during this period, please
>> re-submit your note. If you are a recipient of digests, you may view the
>> missed digest at the web site, ...
>> -- Mike Varney
Linda Richardson, Research Accountant, Senior
University of Arizona Phone: (520) 626 - 4384
Dept. of Psychiatry Fax: (520) 626 - 2004
P.O. Box 245002 College of Medicine
Tucson, Arizona 85724-5002 AHSC Rm 7423A