Re: Prioitizing Grant Seeking Efforts Moshe Amir 14 May 1998 12:50 EST

We have been engaged in a similar exercise and the two priority
issues we identified are:
1. the degree of support to/involvement of graduate students
 in the project, particularly PhD candidates.
2. the degree to which the topic of the research is in the
 mainstream of the activities which the department or center
 is trying to develop.

Yours sincerely,                   | tel: +972-7-647 2427
 | fax: +972-7-647 2930
Moshe Amir, Director               | email:
Department of Research Contracts   | url:
Research and Development Authority |
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev |
PO Box 653,                        | A bad joke is no laughing matter
Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel           |                 ......Mark Twain
On Wed, 13 May 1998, john cavendish wrote:

> I'm working on a scheme to prioritize the level of institutional support
> we give to proposals based on quantifiable and defensible criteria.  In
> the model I'm working on, I define level of institutional support as a
> function of impact on University mission and fiscal impact.  The fiscal
> component is fairly staight forward wherein we look at things like the F
> & A as a percentage of our approved rate, and our cost-sharing as a
> percentage of the external award.  On the other hand, the impact on
> University mission is not so straight forward.  We are a regional
> institution.  Thus teaching has the highest priority of our activities,
> folowwed by public service and research.  I would appreciate feedback on
> what factors should be taken into account when we try to quantify the
> impact on our mission.  Feel free to respond directly.
> John M. Cavendish, Ed.D., J.D.
> Director of Sponsored Research and Contracts
> SLU 508
> Hammond, LA 70402
> Ph.  504-549-5312
> Fax. 504-549-5094
> Email