Principal Investigator Survey
Janet Deal 06 May 1998 18:38 EST
I am a manager of financial planning in the psychiatry department of a
medical school. We're in the process of creating a survey to obtain
feedback from principal investigators regarding the service they receive
from the department administration, particularly grant administration. We
are heavily funded by research grants. We have recently reorganized to
combine grant administration, purchasing and payroll functions to a
'one-stop shop' process where a grant administrator provides all
services for their PI's. We'll survey now, and at intervals in the future, in
order to measure satisfaction with and success of the reorganization.
Would anyone have any customer (principal investigator) satisfaction
surveys to share? Please mail or fax to:
Jan Deal
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry
4940 Children's Place
St. Louis, MO 63110
Fax: 314/362-9999
Thanks for your help!