internal approvals -Reply
Pam Fillmore 04 May 1998 16:54 EST
One of the primary considerations in the proposal approval process here
is the proper authorization of university commitments included in the
budget. I can see a major pitfall with an advance approval process
because oftentimes the budget is revised many times before the final
package goes out, and a PI may include commitments that were not
thought of at the time an advance approval may have been obtained. We
have on occasions obtained prior approvals if we have less time than
normal to get something out, and the proposal has strong administrative
support. However, I don't see this happening on a regular basis. We too
bend over backwards to accommodate proposals at the last minute, but
we are a small institution and don't feel that we can afford to turn away
proposals for any but the most serious reason.
Pam Fillmore
Emporia State University
>>> Alex Thompson <xxxxxx@MAILGATE.ARMSTRONG.EDU>
05/04/98 07:43pm >>>
We're having 'the usual' problems with proposals coming in the day they
need to be mailed with any number of things wrong with them. Our
policy has always been to bend over backwards to accommodate but
sometimes it's impossible.
It's been proposed that we begin an approval process for proposals
BEFORE they are written, rather than afterwards -- the idea being that
obtaining approval to write a proposal at least means that the R&SP
office, the budget folks, the department heads etc. all know in advance,
can get involved and and head off some of the problems before it's too
late. Does anyone else have an up-front approval process? If so, does it
work? How does it work? What are the pitfalls?
Alexandra Thompson
Armstrong Atlantic State University
11935 Abercorn Ext
Savannah GA 31419-1997
(912) 921-5803 voice
(912) 921-2335 fax