Re: Dedicated Grants Development Efforts
Farbman, Betty 22 Apr 1998 14:41 EST
I applaud your institute for asking these questions. As usual, I think
the answers will be very specific to your institution.
Overall, I believe in the "if you can't write it, you can't do it"
philosophy. While a grants person (writer or facilitator, whatever you
call it) can pull together pieces, do boilerplate on institutional
resources, or do editing, a PI or PD should be the one doing the
writing. S/he will have to run the program if it's funded.
For large institutional proposals, you may want to work with a grant
writer/consultant. While individuals still need to contribute their
pieces, it is useful to have that expert perspective, and it keeps
people on target.
If you'd like to discuss, I'm at 212-678-4106
Betty Farbman
Teachers College
> ----------
> From: Blanton, Mary Frances[SMTP:xxxxxx@KES.CAMCARE.COM]
> Reply To: Research Administration Discussion List
> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 1998 1:06 PM
> To:
> Subject: FW: Dedicated Grants Development Efforts
> Please post to the listserv.
> Mary Frances Blanton, M.Ed.
> Director, Research and Grants Administration
> Camcare Health Education and Research Institute
> Phone: 304-388-9975 FAX: 304-388-9976
> Email:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Blanton, Mary Frances
> > Sent: Monday, April 13, 1998 12:23 PM
> > To: 'xxxxxx@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US'
> > Subject: Dedicated Grants Development Efforts
> >
> > Dear Readers:
> > Our research and education Institute is reevaluating its services to
> > researchers and professionals in general as they relate to providing
> > grantwriting and grant proposal facilitation/coordination services (
> a
> > potentially separate office from the Sponsored Projects Office) The
> > questions on our table are:
> > 1) should a centralized dedicated grant development office with a
> > small staff be established to coordinate and facilitate grant
> proposal
> > writing for all professionals?
> > 2) how can a small staff with diverse backgrounds accommodate the
> > needs of all investigators effectively?
> > 3) is it best to function in a decentralized manner and hire
> > grantwriters with the appropriate expertise and background and
> > strategically place these individuals in those departments/programs
> > 4) what works --"grantwriters" or "grant facilitators"????
> > 4) and many other questions...
> >
> > We would like to talk to some institutions who have explored these
> > same questions recently. We are a small research institution in
> terms
> > of grants received (3.5mil) and would like to encourage and
> facilitate
> > the growing programs that will require more grant dollars to stay
> > afloat. We would appreciate finding out who would be willing to
> share
> > their experience and structure/processes with us. Many thanks.
> >
> > Mary Frances Blanton, M.Ed.
> > Director, Research and Grants Administration
> > Camcare Health Education and Research Institute
> > Phone: 304-388-9975 FAX: 304-388-9976
> > Email:
> >