Re: Time and Effort Reports John Case 28 Mar 1998 14:00 EST


Per A-21 (I assume this Circular applies to you) Section J.8, time
sheets do meet the criteria for After-The-Fact Activity Records and
Multiple Confirmation Records methododlogies as acceptable documentation
of time and effort reporting for any class of employees (i.e.
hourlies).  Under these two methodologies, there is no need for further
confirmation for these employees.  If you are using a Planned
Confirmation Methodology, activity reports need to be certified every

We use time cards, and they suffice our requirement for hourlies
employees.  For retroactive changes, whatever form you use (cost
transfer document, payroll transfer document, etc.) is acceptable as
documentation for the change, as long it is verified (signed) by the
employee (the same person that would attest to the timesheet accuracy).
We also attach a copy of the original (that you are correcting)
timesheet to the transfer document.

I hope this helps,

John Case
Assistant VP and Controller
Desert Research Institute
Reno, NV
702 673-7396

Patricia Territo wrote:
> We are considering using hourly employees time sheets as their time and effort
> reports, but we have several concerns.  Currently we record our student
> employees' time and effort using their time sheets,  but our manual process of
> recertifying corrected time and effort is time consuming.
> Before we implement any changes, we  would like to know how other univesities
> handle the following:
> Record time and effort for hourly employees?
> Document retroactive changes in  funding source(s)  (cost transfers)?
> Your input is greatly appreciated.  Thank you.
> Patricia Teririto