Re: Administrative Support on Federal Grants Charlie Tardivo 20 Mar 1998 10:12 EST

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 If you are referring to a "return of overhead", there are many
 different plans but the one we used when I was at a university in the
 Boston area was as follows:

 The return was based on a 3 year average of actual recovery of
 Indirect cost for research projects that recovered the full indirect
 cost rate.  20% was returned and distributed mostly to the departments
 that generated the revenue.

 Charlie Tardivo
 KPMG, Manager
 Higher Education Research Consulting

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Subject: Administrative Support on Federal Grants
Author:  Research Administration Discussion Group  <>
at Internet
Date:    3/19/98 4:30 PM

Listserv members,

Are there any institutions that have a mechanism in place for ensuring
distribution of administrative support dollars on federal grants based on
indirect cost recovery? If so, how does it work?

Mike Luczak
Grants Administrator
Research Administration - HSC
Phone:  314-577-8108
Fax:  314-268-5551
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Date:         Thu, 19 Mar 1998 16:30:13 -0600
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From: Michael Luczak <xxxxxx@WPOGATE.SLU.EDU>
From: Research Administration Discussion Group
X-From:       Michael Luczak <xxxxxx@WPOGATE.SLU.EDU>
Subject:      Administrative Support on Federal Grants
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