Re: United Soybean Board Amy Henderson-Harr 19 Mar 1998 10:29 EST

Cornell would not agree to such terms either.

>Cal Poly has never requested funding from the Soybean Board, but we would
>not accept an agreement/contract from ANY sponsor which contained
>some of the points you listed.
>Sharon Kuhlenschmidt
>Grants Development Office
>California Polytechnic State University
>San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
>PHONE:  (805)756-2982
>FAX:    (805)756-5466
>On Wed, 18 Mar 1998, Martha M. Taylor wrote:
>> I am interested talking to in anyone who has sucessfully negotiated an
>> agreement with the United Soybean Board.  Our one and only experience to
>> date took several months.  The United Soybean Board used an intermediate
>> firm - Smith, Bucklin and Associates, LLC to contract with us based upon
>> some agreement that they have with the Soybean Board.
>> The agreement contained the standard things that universities generally
>> don't like:
>> 1) prior approval of all publications including presentations at
>> conferences/national meetings
>> 2) very detailed documentation of all expenditures
>> 3) no overhead, no PI salary, and no equipment
>> 4) no budget reallocations or deviations without prior written approval
>> 5) liability for all claims etc arising in whole or in part by acts or
>> omissions of the university
>> 6) Smith Bucklin will only pay us if the Soybean Board pays them first and
>> if the Soybean Board doesn't pay then we are out on our own
>> 7) Agreement governed and construed in accordance with the laws of a state
>> other than the one in which we are incorporated
>> 8) non-exclusive, irrevocable, paid-up license to practice or use or
>> sublicense the discoveries ..... They get all rights to revenues or
>> benefits arising from licenses that we enter into with third parties with
>> 50% of the income coming back to them
>> It goes on from there.
>> The basis for my question to this group is a phone call I received from a
>> department head who stated that we are being unreasonable and that other
>> universities would surely agree to work with the Soybean Board in a more
>> reasonable and timely fashion.  He suggested that I poll other institutions
>> to get a better understanding of how to do my job.  So that is what I am
>> doing.  I would like to know of successes with the Soybean Board and of
>> institutions who would agree to the language provided above.  Thanks for
>> any enlightenment you might provide.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------
>> Martha M. Taylor,   Director               (334) 844-4438
>> Contracts and Grants Administration         FAX (334) 844-5953
>> 310 Samford Hall
>> Auburn University,  AL  36849-5131

Amy Henderson-Harr
Sr. Grant & Contract Officer
Office of Sponsored Programs
120 Day Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY  14853
(607) 255-6306 (phone)
(607) 255-5058 (fax)