Re: Prestigious Fellowship Survey
Farbman, Betty 12 Mar 1998 15:41 EST
In answer to Lisa's quiestion -
I haven't run into this at my current institution yet, but at my last
institution, faculty worked with their Deans to work this out.
Institutions want to find a way to support these because of the glory to
the institution. Maybe some even care about scholarship.
As far as I know, there was/is no special set-aside for this. Just
another negotiation.
Betty Farbman
Teachers College
> ----------
> From: Lisa F. Richman Ballance[SMTP:xxxxxx@RICHMOND.EDU]
> Reply To: Research Administration Discussion Group
> Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 1998 9:20 AM
> To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
> Subject: Prestigious Fellowship Survey
> The Benefits Committee of our Faculty Council is investigating various
> methods of enabling or encouraging faculty members who are awarded
> prestigious fellowships (typically paid at a rate less than normal
> salary)
> to be financially able to accept said award. While we do allow for a
> faculty member to accept a 1/2 year at full pay (sabbatical) or a full
> year
> at 1/2 pay (sabbatical) -- full year awards tend to lead to a
> financial
> shortfall for the faculty member (who will also be paying additional
> costs
> to travel, etc.).... The culture here is that our office manages
> sabbatical
> submissions (proposals), since we have a superb pre-award staff member
> who
> is able to efficiently assist faculty in this process.
> Questions:
> 1. Does anyone else have this same issue addressed on their campus?
> 2. Any solutions, recommendations?
> 3. Do any of you have a fund for salary-replacement when faculty are
> in a
> position to accept a prestigious award for sabatical (when otherwise
> they
> might not be able to accept due to financial obligations)?
> 4. If yes to #3, from where does the money originate?
> Thanks so much,
> Lisa