NSF REU student payment methods Anita Quinn 02 Mar 1998 14:47 EST

I am curious as to how other university's are paying the undergraduate
student under thte "NSF Research Experience for Undergraduate" Program.
There are two types of programs...

One that pays on-campus enrolled undergraduates (Supplements) - and

the other that pays students who attend other university's (SITE), but
participate in the REU program on your campus.

Is you method of payment the same?
Do you pay them on payroll, deducting fringes and taxes?
Do you pay them like a fellowship or scholarship (no fringes or taxes)?

The NSF guidelines state that grantees may pay either stipends as
scholarships or wages.

Anita Quinn
Director of Research Services
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI     49931-1295
phone 906-487-2225
fax   906-487-2245