Re: Internal Proposal Submission deadline survey - Sharon Kuhlenschmidt 27 Feb 1998 10:19 EST

Amen to your three points Susan!  If we can get pieces of the narrative
and enough info to draft a budget for the PI to review a few days before
the deadline, we are happy campers here.


Sharon Kuhlenschmidt
Grants Development Office
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
PHONE:  (805)756-2982
FAX:    (805)756-5466

On Thu, 26 Feb 1998 wrote:

> i think many of you are missing the is not a question of
> "inconvenience" or "lines in the sand" when three or four proposals
> crawl (lurch?) out of the woodwork at 3 pm the day before they are due
> at the agency.   rather, it is an issue of how to get the damn things
> reviewed properly so we can be sure that the proposals conform to agency
> and institutional requirements, that the budgets add up and do not
> incorporate unallowable expenses, that there are no more than 15 cpi,
> etc., etc.  sure, we can go ahead and send them in without adequate
> review, and subsequently withdraw those that fail to "pass"
> post-submission review, but that means that the p.i. will not be
> eligible for that round and may have to wait a full year before
> resubmitting.  perhaps this is what the thoughtless investigator
> deserves?  i prefer to try and educate faculty to the realities of the
> situation and beg, wheedle, coax, bribe, etc. them to: 1)let me know
> that they plan to submit, even if they change their minds without
> telling me; 2)give me whatever pieces they can as they are preparing the
> proposal; and 3) let ME prepare the budget.  if we can get them to do
> that much, it will prevent the ghastly eleventh-hour surprises!
> susan
> --
> Susan B. Burke
> Senior Grants and Contracts Specialist
> Office of Sponsored Programs
> Gallaudet University
> 800 Florida Avenue NE, HMB-S456
> Washington, DC 20002