Re: Dual Mission Farbman, Betty 20 Feb 1998 09:16 EST

In my last position, I had a similar situation.  I actually am one of
the few who think that Res. Adm. and CFR belong together, or at least
closely linked.  Especially in a small institution, it is almost
impossible to separate, and I believe the strengthened communication
between the development side and the grants side leads to a more
integrated approach at the institution.
If you want to talk about this, you are welcome to call me at
212-678-4106 some time next week.
Betty Farbman
Teachers College

> ----------
> From:         Lisa F. Richman Ballance[SMTP:xxxxxx@RICHMOND.EDU]
> Reply To:     Research Administration Discussion Group
> Sent:         Thursday, February 19, 1998 7:35 AM
> To:   Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
> Subject:      Dual Mission
> Hi all:
> Does anyone out there share the responsibilities of "Research
> Administration" and "Corporate and Foundation Relations" within the
> same
> office?  I recently saw a job post that had the office name as:
> Sponsored
> Programs / Corporate and Foundation Relations.  It was like looking in
> a
> mirror -- my office does both and I need to get better at juggling the
> balls in the air.....   Any insight is appreciated.
> Lisa