Re: Internal Proposal Submission deadline survey Sharon Kuhlenschmidt 19 Feb 1998 13:05 EST

We would be thrilled to get a rough draft, year one budget (plus project
duration), some cvs and a firm PROJECT TITLE five working days before a
deadline.  That is enough for us to check and expand the budget for the
project duration and get internal forms started.  Our office is
responsible for determining if a project needs special review (human or
animal subject review, haz mat review, etc.), and for that we don't need a
final proposal.

I'd like to know if rewards are effective and low cost.  Costs are a


Sharon Kuhlenschmidt
Grants Development Office
California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
PHONE:  (805)756-2982
FAX:    (805)756-5466