Internal Proposal Submission deadline survey -Reply Evelyn Ford 19 Feb 1998 05:35 EST

Thank you for a wonderful compilation.

Rewards for meeting deadlines?  Hmmm...  This issue is oft-debated.
I am of the personal opinion that the only way to create enforceable
deadlines is to do a statistically valid sampling of submitting
investigators to determine the behaviors involved with NOT meeting
deadlines, complete with rating instruments, etc.  Then, one might
find out what would work in MOST cases.  But, even then, we would be
faced with the inevitable questions, "What are valid exceptions, or
do you a draw a line in the sand and that's it?"  Apparently very few
institutions have been able so far to draw that line in the sand.
Evelyn J. Ford, Research Administrator
Center for Neurosciences Research
Allegheny University of the Health Sciences
Allegheny Campus, Pittsburgh PA 15212-4772
voice 412.359.4475
fax 412.359.4499