Re: College Students as Human Subjects Loreene Broker 12 Feb 1998 03:50 EST

> (1) Who gives permission to the outside researcher to recruit on
> your campus?

The research would need to be submitted to our IRB and permission is
granted by the IRB Chair.

> (2) What criteria are used in making the decision to give or deny
> permission?

Although we don't usually require outside projects to submit the same
forms and we do not log them into our data base, we need to have the
same type of information as any other human subjects research.

> (3) What role, if any, does your own institution's IRB play?

Our institutional policy states that "all reserch involving human
subjects which is conducted by WMU, its faculty, staff, or students
or which is conducted on the WMU campus or grounds must be approved
by the Human Subjects Institutional Review Board."

> (4) Do you treat invasive and non-invasive studies the same or
> differently?


> (5) What is the liability of your own institution if you allow an
> outsider to recruit on your campus and something goes wrong?
> (6) If you allow this practice, do you have an obligation to inform
> parents when students apply or are accepted to your institution?

I can only address these questions hypothetically because I don't
think they have been an issue on our campus.  The "outsider" would be
resposible for obtaining the consnet of the students prior to
enrollment in the study.  I was assume that the language of the
"outside" institution would cover things going wrong.  Your IRB
should have the right to request to see the consent documents and
suggest changes (if necessary) as part of the approval process.

I don't think that parents need to be notified (but check your state
regulations).  College students are mostly over 18...the age of
consent.  There may be a few freshman in the fall semester who are
only 17, but they may be considered "emancipated minors" in the state
which allows them to give consent for themselves.  If you are
concerned about 17 year old students enrolling in a study, make that
a stipulation to the "outside" institution and ask them to add a
phrase to the consent document requesting potential participants to
indicate age.
Loreene L. Broker           
Research Compliance Coordinator
Western Michigan University           Research and Sponsored Programs
Telephone: (616) 387-8293             327E Walwood Hall
FAX: (616) 387-8276                   Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5162