Re: College Students as Human subjects
Marsha Green 12 Feb 1998 14:14 EST
--------------- cc:Mail Forwarded ---------------
From: "Ruth L. Ault" <> AT UNLV
Date: 02/12/98 06:55 PM
To: "MCW Institutional Review Board Forum" <>
Subject: re: College Students as Human subjects
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Subject: re: College Students as Human subjects
Author: "Ruth L. Ault" <> at UNLV
Date: 2/12/98 6:55 PM
At my college, our policy reads as follows:
The Chair of the IRB may waive review requirements that
ordinarily would apply to a project when the investigator has
already secured approval for the particular project from an
IRB at another institution THAT OPERATES ACCORDING
TO 45 CFR 46. Investigators seeking a waiver under this
provision must submit evidence of prior formal IRB review
and approval to the Chair of the IRB after contacting the
[administrative office] for current procedures.
Translated: The Chair decides on a case-by-case basis
whether the other IRB seems legit. and whether any other
person on campus should be involved in the decision
(e.g., dean of students, director of health services).
If the recruiter wants to use a specific department's subject
pool (e.g., psychology 101 students), then that department
will also be consulted. If the research has any risk at all,
we will treat the protocol as if it were internally generated
and give it a regular review.
I might note that the capitalized portion of the policy was added
after an experience with an investigator telling us he had "IRB
approval" from a local hospital, but that hospital did not have a
formal IRB committee.
Ruth Ault
Dept of Psychology
P.O. Box 1719
Davidson College
Davidson, NC 28036
ph: (704) 892-2296
fax: (704) 892-2005