SRA '98 Newport Meeting Naegel, Gary P. 04 Feb 1998 17:42 EST

The Northeast Section of the Society of Research Administrators will be
having their annual spring meeting entitled, "The Future is Now",  on May
3-6, 1998 at The Viking Hotel, Newport, RI.  Copies of the program,
registration form, SRA Membership form and Travel Stipend application are
available now on the web at:    Printed
copies will be sent to all SRA Northeast Section members in the near future.
 Non-SRA members are encouraged to attend and may call Jill Lynch (202)
857-1173 to have a program mailed to them.
 This program is preceeded by CEU accredited 5 half day workshops and
one full day workshop on "Fundamentals of Research Administration" on Sunday
May 3, 1998. The "Fundamentals" workshop will include NIH and NSF faculty
among its presenters.   The meeting agenda includes 21 concurrent sessions,
two plenary sessions, and roundtable discussion groups (with wine & cheeze).
 This is a great time to update your skills and network among your peers
during the meeting.  There will a Newcomers reception, Opening reception,
and a Murder Mystery Dinner as well to enjoy the company of both old and new
friends.  Mark your calendars now!

Gary P. Naegel
President, SRA Northeast Section]
(203) 785-4373