I'd appreciate some info regarding signature authority: What
signatures do you require for purchase requisitions, check requests,
travel documents, etc., after the P.I. (or his/her designee) signs
off but before the document reaches Accounts Payable, the Purchasing
Department, or whatever. Does it have to go through your research
finance office? Local (department) administration?
Evelyn J. Ford, Research Administrator
Center for Neurosciences Research
Allegheny University of the Health Sciences
Allegheny Campus, Pittsburgh PA 15212-4772
voice 412.359.4475
fax 412.359.4499
$$HRComments by austind Tue Feb 03, 1998 -- 08:46:45 AM
We do have a grant/contract specialist in the administrative area that
check's all requisitions for allowability. No one checks the balances to see
if the money is there. We leave this to the principal investigator. If they
overexpend, they are required to use their own research budgets to fund the
overexpenditure. I think David Higginson's system sounds like a dream!
Diane Austin, CRA
Marshfield Clinic
Division of Research
1000 N. Oak Avenue
Marshfield, WI 54449
Phone: 715-387-9134
Fax: 715-389-3131
Email: xxxxxx@mfldclin.edu