Re: Short-form institutions Tony Boccanfuso 28 Jan 1998 19:49 EST

As a S&W rate institution, I would love to have a MDTC rate that either was
determined by formula or was a "non-negotiated" default rate  (say 25-7%)
that could be accepted without doing the paperwork.

I find the S&W rate as an added incentive for faculty not to ask for GA
stipends or AY salary or to request re-budgetting out of salary categories
into non-salary categories.

This would be a great item for one (or more) of the national higher ed
associations to grap on to as a theme for the year.  It is also attractive
in that it reduces non-value added activities such as time and money needed
to do the work (on both the fed and univ side) to determine the rate.


 >     OMB published proposed changes to OMB Circular A-21 on September 10,
>1997 (62 FR 47721-47726).  One of the proposed changes was to change the
>base from S&W to MTDC for even the institutions calculating their IDC rates
>through use of the short-form.  I have no idea where this proposal stands.
>Terry A. May, Ph.D.                       Voice:    520-523-6788
>  Director of Research Administration     FAX:      520-523-1075
>  Office of Grant & Contract Services     INTERNET:
>  100 Babbitt Admin. Ctr., Box 4130
>  Northern Arizona University
>  Flagstaff, AZ  86011-4130

Anthony M. Boccanfuso, Ph.D.
Associate Provost for Research and Federal Relations
Bowling Green State University
106 University Hall
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403
419-372-2481; 419-372-0304 (fax)