I am pleased to pass along this job announcement for a senior-level
position here at NAU. Anyone can contact me directly, but persons making
formal inquiries should direct their questions as noted in the
announcement. Terry-
Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate School
Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Vice Provost
for Research and Graduate Studies and Dean of the Graduate School at
Northern Arizona University.
Northern Arizona University is a premier residential university based on
the Colorado Plateau and serving the State of Arizona with statewide
locations. NAU is a Doctoral degree-granting institution founded in 1899
and currently serves an enrollment of over 19,000 students.
The Vice Provost is a senior administrative officer reporting to the
Provost and advises the Provost on
various matters related to the responsibilities of the Provost. In
addition, the Vice Provost is expected to provide leadership in the
academic community related to all matters of research, research
development, and
graduate programs; provide administrative support to the Provost through
management of the Office of Grants and Contracts and the Office of the Dean
of the Graduate School; work closely with academic deans, directors, and
chairs as Dean of the Graduate School to ensure high standards of quality
for graduate programs and support for graduate students; manage the
Organized Research and Applied Research Programs of the University;
administer the various regulatory programs in support of research
activities; direct the annual departmental program review process; provide
oversight responsibility for various research bureaus and facilities of the
University; represent the University in various capacities related to
research and graduate studies and act as NAU liaison with the other state
universities regarding these matters; and other duties as assigned.
Candidates must have appropriate faculty experience in areas related to the
position. In addition, experience in organized and/or applied research is
preferred, along with an earned doctorate, record of sustained scholarly
research productivity, experience working with and/or supervising graduate
student research, and a reasonable understanding of the role and function
of the Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Graduate Studies.
Administrative experience at the level of chair is desirable. Candidates
must be committed to recruitment and retention of a diverse community of
faculty, staff and students, including minorities and women.
Applications should be forwarded to the following address: Office of the
Provost Attention Chair of the Screening Committee for Vice Provost -
Research/Dean, NAU Box 4120, Flagstaff, Arizona 86011. Applicants should
include a letter of interest stating their qualifications as related to the
job duties listed above, a current curriculum vitae, and a list of
references who can speak directly to the applicant's accomplishments as
they relate to the job duties. Contact Mary Ryan (520-523-2230,
xxxxxx@nau.edu) for additional information. Screening will begin on
January 15, 1998 and continue until the position is filled. To be given
fullest consideration, the application should be completed by January 15.
Northern Arizona University is a committed Equal Opportunity/Affirmative
Action Institution. Women, minorities, veterans and individuals with
disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Terry A. May, Ph.D. Voice: 520-523-6788
Director of Research Administration FAX: 520-523-1075
Office of Grant & Contract Services INTERNET: xxxxxx@nau.edu
100 Babbitt Admin. Ctr., Box 4130
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4130