Re: Dept Edu...."LEAs" Pamela Webb 06 Dec 1997 20:10 EST


My husband, who is a teacher and has written a couple of DoEd grant
applications, tells me that LEAs are normally equivalent to a school
district, as opposed to an individual school or set of schools within a
district.   At least on the grant applications he has written, there has
been a definition, but it is sometimes buried in the fine print.  Hope it
helps.  -- Pamela

At 09:42 AM 12/4/97 EST, you wrote:
>Could anyone offer insight on the definition of "LEA"...local
>educational agency... w/r to Dept of Education grants?
>Charlie Hathaway
>Charles Hathaway, Ph.D.
>Grants Development
>Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene
>New York State Psychiatric Institute
>722 W. 168th St.
>New York, NY 10032
>(212) 543-5807
Pamela A. Webb
Manager, Sponsored Projects
UC Santa Barbara
Phone:  (805) 893-4036
Fax:  (805) 893-2611