Re: subaward documentation Kathleen L Sukanek 05 Dec 1997 13:10 EST


interesting questions. have we ever had a similar situation? We
usually do not require certs until award Correct? Do we watch that?


Date:          Fri, 5 Dec 1997 16:10:39 -0600
Reply-to:      Research Administration Discussion Group
From:          David Hollingsworth <xxxxxx@TAMU.EDU>
From:          Research Administration Discussion Group
Subject:       subaward documentation
To:            Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L

I would like to find out what other institutions are doing at the proposal
stage in requesting documentation from subawards especially for-profit
subs.  For all subs we obtain statement of work, budget, with signatures if
applicable, collaboration letter with institutional endorsement. When other
universities are subs we also request copy of F&A rate agreement, and
normal lobbying, debarment and drug-free certs.  If the prime is NSF, we
ask for a signed NSF cert page.

Is anyone having for-profit or non-profit subs sign a cert that they have a
Conflict of Interest Policy in place when the prime is NSF or NIH? How
about if the prime is another federal agency?

Along the same lines if the RFP does not require certs such as lobbying,
drug free, and debarment do you require the sub to submit them?

David Hollingsworth
Director, Research Services
Texas Engineering Experiment Station
Texas A&M University System

006 Wisenbaker Engineering Research Center
College Station, TX 77843-3406

Phone:  (409) 845-1264
Fax:    (409) 845-9643

Kathy Sukanek                             601-232-7482
Associate Director of Research
The University of Mississippi         601-232-7577 (fax)
125 Old Chemistry               
University, Mississippi 38677