Re: Doing Business Internationally Michael Odza 08 Oct 1997 05:49 EST

Dear John,

There are a number of international business list-servs and sites which
could prove helpful, even though their focus is broader than your needs.
Here's access info, followed by quote from a recent issue of the

Ray Gabriel
moderator - International Business List
Madison, Ohio - USA  - 800-359-5166 / 440-428-6163  (9-5 EST / M-F)
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LISTS  Serving the Global Business Community
Visit our home page
Information/Help Autoresponder   


 The International Business List members have assembled a directory of
resources by country:
 "For new members and visitors, the IB List offers members a directory
of over 150 businesses and individuals around the world who have
volunteered (on a limited basis) to offer insight and advice on doing
business in/with their country.
 You can get the Country Contacts Directory by sending a blank e-mail
message to:
 You can get it by sending a blank message or an "x".
 The Directory is also available on the web in a searchable database at:
 We owe a debt of gratitude to all those who have volunteered their
help. So please DO NOT SEND UNSOLICITED E-MAIL to Country Contact firms.
Those who do will be excluded from all IB Lists. The Directory is
distributed on the honor system with this stipulation.
 If you would like to learn more about helping with this program send a
blank message or "x" to:
 Thanks to all the volunteers and to the rest of you who are helping to
make this list the valuable business network it is becoming!"

Best Regards,


Michael Odza
Celebrating ten years of assisting
tech transfer professionals via
Technology Access Report and
Intellectual Property Advice (for researchers)
8 Digital Dr., Suite 250
Novato, CA 94949
800/733-1516 (415/883-7600)
FAX 415/883-6421