Listserv Posting Problems Jean Humphries 08 Oct 1997 10:45 EST

Because of the note I posted the other day regarding
subscribing/unsubscribing I've received a number of email/phone calls
requesting help re: 1)  why they cannot post to the list even though
they continue to receive mail, and 2) why are they getting two copies of
every posting.  In the course of discussion I've found that in EVERY
CASE the individual's email address changed.

With regard to item 1).....The reason you continue to receive mail is
[probably] because you or someone at your institution has set "forward"
on from your old address to your new.  The reason you cannot post is
because the list server does not recognize your NEW address as a member
of the list.

There is a solution.  You need to UNSUBscribe from your OLD address, and
re-SUBscribe from your NEW address.

With regard to item 2).....You get two copies [probably] because you did
not unsubscribe from your old address, and DID subscribe from your new
address.  Consequently the list thinks your old and new addresses are
two distinctly different people.

The solution here is to simply UNSUBscribe from your OLD address.

In either case, if you cannot reactivate your old address long enough to
UNSUB your only recourse is to send an email to the list owner, plead
insanity, and ask for their help.

Good luck!

Jean Humphries, Director
ASU East - Research & Sponsored Projects
fax 602-727-1876