Subcontract to Indian Tribe
Valrey V Kettner 03 Oct 1997 14:23 EST
My institution has a NIH award that involves a subcontract to an Indian
tribe. Our boilerplate subcontract language has an Equal Opportunity
clause. The subcontractor/tribe is requesting that this clause be
stricken, as they are a sovereign nation and this doesn't apply to them.
Has anyone else had this issue? I would appreciate any info or cites that
I could check out to further research this issue. Please respond either to
the list serve or me directly.
Thank you.
Valrey V. Kettner
Associate Contracts & Grants Officer
221 Beardshear
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011-2020
(515) 294-4642 (phone)
(515) 294-8000 (fax)