Re: Allocable Costs Norman Meeks 30 Sep 1997 18:57 EST

>I'm trying to explain the concept of allocable costs in a newsletter.
>Does anyone have a good "plain English" definition?
>John Cavendish
>Director of Sponsored Research
>Southeastern Louisiana University

If a function either causes the incurrence of a cost or the function
benefits from a cost that has been incurred, the cost can be allocated to
that function.  The allocation can be in total as in DIRECT COST or in
proportion to its benefit as in INDIRECT cost.  It is ALLOCABLE to that

A-21 has a pretty good definition you might want to check.


Norman A. Meeks                 Tele:           507.266.4884
Research Administration         Fax:    507.284.1772
Mayo Foundation                 email:
200 First Street SW                     Pager:  507.266.8358
Rochester MN 55905                      OV#:    mrb5535