Re: Status of NRSA Trainees
Paul Parker 25 Sep 1997 03:15 EST
Ellen, at State University of New York at Binghamton through the Research
Foundation of SUNY, we pay the students a "stipend" or "fellowship"; non
employee-employer relationship. We have the capability of providing the
student with insurance which may be charged the sponsored project or
another Research Foundation administered account. Paul
>Our institution, Wright State University, has received an inquiry from a
>faculty member interested in applying for the PHS Institutional National
>Research Service Award (NRSA). This is new territory for us, and this message
>is for those in sponsored programs offices who have developed and/or
>administered these budgets.
>How do you classify the trainees on these grants? The guidelines indicate
>they should not have an employer-employee relationship with the university,
>but they are eligible for self-only health insurance. Do you allow the
>trainees to be paid a stipend and reimburse them for health insurance, which
>they have purchased themselves?
>Any guidance you can provide will be helpful. Please respond to the listserve
>or directly to me at my e-mail. Thank you.
>Ellen Reinsch Friese
>Assistant Director
>Research and Sponsored Programs
>Wright State University
>122 Allyn Hall
>Dayton, OH 45435-0001
>(937) 775-2425 (telephone)
>(937) 775-3781 (fax)
> (e-mail)
Paul C. Parker, Director
Sponsored Funds Administration
State University of New York
Binghamton NY 13902-6000
ph (607-777-6752) fax (607-777-4354)