Status of NRSA Trainees Ellen Reinsch Friese 24 Sep 1997 15:47 EST

Our institution, Wright State University, has received an inquiry from a
faculty member interested in applying for the PHS Institutional National
Research Service Award (NRSA).  This is new territory for us, and this message
is for those in sponsored programs offices who have developed and/or
administered these budgets.

How do you classify the trainees on these grants?  The guidelines indicate
they should not have an employer-employee relationship with the university,
but they are eligible for self-only health insurance.  Do you allow the
trainees to be paid a stipend and reimburse them for health insurance, which
they have purchased themselves?

Any guidance you can provide will be helpful.  Please respond to the listserve
or directly to me at my e-mail.  Thank you.


Ellen Reinsch Friese
Assistant Director
Research and Sponsored Programs
Wright State University
122 Allyn Hall
Dayton, OH  45435-0001

(937) 775-2425 (telephone)
(937) 775-3781 (fax) (e-mail)