Re: awards received Carol Sottosanti 29 Aug 1997 08:24 EST

Research Administration Discussion Group wrote:
> For those schools who's fiscal years ended in June, do you have any
> indication as to whether your funding went up or down this past year?  Do
> any of the schools with September fiscal year ends have an idea of how
> their funding is going?
> A year or so ago, there was a discussion about how many schools had noticed
> a decrease.  I am curious to know if there is a trend or if those schools
> have rebounded?   I am also curious to know if any schools have experienced
> that the number of awards has increased, but the dollar volume has, in some
> cases, decreased.  That is,  receiving more awards for smaller dollar
> amounts.   Thanks.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Martha M. Taylor,   Director               (334) 844-4438
> Contracts and Grants Administration         FAX (334) 844-5953
> 307 Samford Hall
> Auburn University,  AL  36849-5131
    We at Lehigh have seen a decrease over the last 2-3yrs. in both
areas, in total dollar volume, and even though there was an increase in
the number of awards by a small amount, the dollar volume still dropped.
We expect to see another drop this coming year as well, due to the
budget cuts at Air Force and NSF's somewhat switch to other areas of
research.  We have a fiscal year of June 30.  We are looking toward
funding from the DOD/ONR areas more and more.  Hope Congress changes
it's outlook on research.