Visit the ONR University Business Affairs Web Site!!
Frye, Todd 26 Aug 1997 06:13 EST
We would like to invite you to visit the new and improved
Office of Naval Research University Business Affairs Web Site
ONR has completed some new additions to it lately, and invites you to
take a spin!
Our Web Address is
The University Business Affairs Web Site contains a wealth of
information of interest to a variety of constituents including
Government program officers, university officials, administration
personnel, principal investigators, and acquisition personnel. Some of
the topics are:
* Points of contact within the Regional Offices for Program Officers
and university grantees - a "clickable" map of the United States to
assist you in finding our Regional Office Personnel -
* Instructions to universities on how to bill under EDI/EFT, and other
business process information relevant to assistance and Federal
* Download-able forms and instructions on how to fill them out.
* OMB Circular Links and Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP)
* A description of ONR's no funds extension procedure; and
instructions on how to obtain budget revisions, foreign travel, and
prior approvals under grants to name a few.
This week a link to the Defense Finance and Accounting System (DFAS)
Vendor Pay Inquiry System was added. This link allows DoD contractors
and grantees who are paid through any of the DFAS operating locations to
obtain payment status. The grantees/contractors can determine pending
or paid status, invoice number, date invoice received, date paid, check
number, EFT number and paying location.
Hopefully, you will find something there you can benefit from or haven't
seen before!
Please feel free to provide any helpful links, suggestions, comments, or
criticisms to me at the email below.
Todd Frye
ONR Chicago
(312) 886-5423, Ext. 237
Fax: (312) 353-6089