SRA Paper Presentations Beth Manning 05 Aug 1997 10:04 EST

You are invited to join your colleagues in presenting your ideas and
initiatives in the SRA Paper Session.  The Annual Meeting Program Planning
Committee invites you to prepare a paper for this session.  This year, all
papers selected for presentation will also be considered for publication in
the SRA Journal.  You are requested to follow the "Information for
Contributors" guidelines, located in the back of each SRA Journal, when
preparing your paper.  The guidelines encourage you to follow the
publication style manual of the American Psychological Association.

The SRA Paper Session will showcase member, as well as non-member,
activities and feature your paper in a 15-minute presentation followed by
discussion with audience participants, who will also have a written summary
or a copy of your paper.  SRA members, as well as non-members, are invited
to submit papers.  You may present on any aspect of research admiistration.
A good source of ideas is the Research Administration Body of Knowledge

Papers will be jointly reviewed by Beth Manning and Margorie Piechowski,
who will assist the applicants to prepare the papers to meet the SRA
Journal format.

Papers are due by August 20, 1997 and should be forwarded by E-mail or on
disk to:

Beth Manning
Texas Engineering Experiment Station
Office of Sponsored Research
332 Wisenbaker Engineering Research Center
College Station, TX  77843-3000

Telephone:      (409)862-4406
Fax:            (409)862-1698

For questions about format and SRA Journal guidelines, please contact:

Marjorie Piechowski
DePaul University
Office of Sponsored Programs and Research
2320 North Kenmore Avenue
Chicago, IL  60614

Telephone:      (773)325-2594
Fax:            (773)325-7389

If your paper is accepted, final papers are due to Beth Manning by
September 12, 1997.  Hope to hear from you soon!