Pam, thanks for your timely response.
Elisabeth Bradley, DA
Assistant Research Director
Charlotte Institute of Rehabilitation
1100 Blythe Blvd
Charlotte, NC 28203
(704) 355-7673 voice
(704) 355-7903 fax
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Research Administration Discussion Group
>Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 1997 8:26 AM
>To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
>Subject: Re: IRB Fees
>At 09:06 AM 7/29/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>Carolinas HealthCare System IRB is looking at instituting an IRB fee.
>>Can you please help us determine the amount? I would appreciate it if
>>those of you who are employed at medical centers would please respond to
>>the following questions:
>>1. Do you have an IRB fee? ___yes __x__no
>> ___no, but we're looking at implementing one
>>2. Please tell me the amount of your IRB fee. n/a________
>>Thank you.
>>Elisabeth Bradley, DA
>>Charlotte Institute of Rehabilitation
>>Charlotte, NC 28203
>>(704) 355-7673
>Pamela B. Whitlock
>Director, Office of Research Administration
>601 S College Road
>Wilmington, NC 28403-3297
>(910)962-3167 voice
>(910)962-4011 fax