Re: IRB Fees Barbara Lodico 30 Jul 1997 11:53 EST

Research Administration Discussion Group wrote:
> Carolinas HealthCare System IRB is looking at instituting an IRB fee.
> Can you please help us determine the amount? I would appreciate it if
> those of you who are employed at medical centers would please respond to
> the following questions:
> 1. Do you have an IRB fee?      __X_yes          ____no
>         ___no, but we're looking at implementing one
> 2. Please tell me the amount of your IRB fee.   __$1200(new)$450(continuing
> Thank you.
> Elisabeth Bradley, DA
> Charlotte Institute of Rehabilitation
> Charlotte, NC  28203
> (704) 355-7673

Barbara J. LoDico, IRB Administrator          
New Jersey Medical School, MSB C-690                    (201) 982-3608
185 So. Orange Ave., Newark, NJ 07103           fax     (201) 982-3585