I need help in identifying the positive points as well as the negative
points of
accepting fixed price agreements. Please share as much information as possible
as to
how your University is handling some of the issues stated in the questions
listed below.
The information received will assist us in reviewing our present policy and
and to propose changes, if warranted. None of the documents/ information
will be attributed or released outside of the Comptrollers Office of my
1- Does your Institution accepts fixed price agreements? If it does not,
please explain
briefly why not.
2-Do you have written policies and procedures in place to guide the
and other administrative offices in the administration of this type of
3- Percentage of your University's total funding that represents fixed
agreements. Please state a percentage and the fiscal period. If you do not
have this information handy, just give me an average and/or a sense as to
whether this type on funding is increasing or decreasing at your
4--Major sources of fixed price funding: Federal or non-federal?
5- What percentage of your non-federal fixed price agreements from
Corporations, if any.
6- Most common payment arrangements used: advance payment in full,
schedule tied with deliverables, in full at the completion of the project,
half at
the beginning and the other half upon completion, other.
7- Do you require that the payment arrangement be specified in the body
of the
8-When pricing a fixed price agreement, do you factor in an extra fee to
cover risks
to the University such as delays, default costs, poor performance, or loss
of key
9-In the absence of extra fees,how are costs overruns dealt with? Who
covers them
and how are they handled: cost sharing, transferred to a cost overrun cost
or transferred to the Principa Investigator's Home Department budget?
10- Type and extent of monitoring performed by the Pre-Award and by the
Award offices ( technical and fiscal monitoring).
11- Disposition of unexpended balances: do you limit the amount that the
Principal Investigator is allow to transfer out of the fixed price cost
center, and do
you specify the purpose for which it can be used?
12- Do you have a high incidence of completed fixed price projects( the
Principal Investigator verifies that all deliverables have been completed
and delivered,and the agreement is paid in full) without costs recorded in
the cost
center assigned to the agreement? If this is the case, is this practice
acceptable at
your University?
13-How do you dispose of the residual funds?
14- Do you normally charge the Institution's negotiated Indirect Costs
15- Do you track those Principal Investigators that consistently end up
with large
amounts of residual funds or with costs overruns?
16- Do you issue subcontracts under fixed price agreements, and if you
do, which
types of subcontracts do you issue most: fixed or cost-reimbursable?
17- Do you apply budgetary constrains to fixed price agreements such as
allowing federal non allowable costs being charged?
18- Have you revised your policies and procedures for fixed price
agreements in
light of the applicability of the 4 Cost Accounting Standards and the
latest revision
to Circular A-21? Please explain how and why.
Please send your comments and written information directly to my attention
to the
address listed below or through E-Mail or Fax. I will be glad to post a summary
of the
answers and information received if there is sufficient interest in receiving
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Ivette M.C. Alvarez, Director
Grants and Contracts Accounting Services
The George Washington University
2100 M St., N.W., Suite 310
Washington, D.C, 20052
Tel. #: 202 973-1043
Fax #: 202 973-1013
E-Mail: xxxxxx@comp.vpt.gwu.edu