Re: Response on Air Force James C. Garcia 10 Jun 1997 06:20 EST


I probably can't help with your E-mail problem; however, I can try to help
with your questions about the "Air Force needing universities to bill
faster"  (sorry I didn't step up earlier but I didn't see your earlier

I'm the Director, Policy and Integration at the Air Force Office of
Scientific Research (AFOSR) and one of the primary standard carriers
regarding getting our message out to the university community regarding
expeditious billing.  I'll be glad to talk with you personally or with all
the list server subscribers via these E-mails.  My phone number is

In addition to encouraging the university community to bill promptly, we
are also strongly encouraging institutions to investigate and take
advantage of "advance billing." Below is the text of a 3 June 1997 memo our
director sent to the "dean of research" of each of the universities at
which we sponsor research.

June 1997

 "In my 27 February 1997 memo to your institution, I explained that
AFOSR was updating our grant award language to permit advance billings for
periods up to 90 days.  Since then we have included such language in all
new grants and grant modifications.  We have also authorized the Office of
Naval Research (ONR), whose regional offices administer almost all of our
grants, to accept 90-day advance billings against all of our grants for
which they receive invoices.  Until all awards are amended we recommend
that advances be requested on all grants.  When required by OMB Circular A
110, advances shall be maintained in interest bearing accounts.

 "Current and future research funding is under extreme pressure and
must continuously be justified.  Air Force headquarters and the Office of
the Secretary of Defense closely monitor our expenditure rates which appear
in Department of Defense accounting systems.  Slow rates are interpreted as
an indication that funds are not needed and can be used elsewhere.  We have
already lost ten percent of our Fiscal Year 1997 research funding due to
this reason.

 "A large part of the problem is that DoD accounting systems are
predisposed to indicate slow rates due to delays inherent in the billing
and payment process.  There can easily be a three-month or longer delay
between research being performed and its up-to-date monetary value being
captured by the accounting systems.  This delay can be ameliorated somewhat
by continuously having a 90-day advance.

 "I very strongly encourage you to immediately investigate and take
advantage of the advance billing option.  Advance billing can play a major
role in mitigating accounting system delays and their effects.  Without
your help, we will not be able to solve our expenditure rate problems and
we will suffer additional fiscal consequences.

 "Please contact the ONR regional office with whom you work if you have
any questions.  If you don't know whom to contact, call Mr. Ed Hawkins,
AFOSR Director of Contracting, at (202) 767-4945.  He can provide a point
of contact if needed.  Thank you."




We've also placed a copy of this memo on our homepage at

Please contact me if I can be of any help, or call Mr. Hawkins (identified
in memo above).

Lt Col James C. Garcia
Director, Policy and Integration
110 Duncan Avenue, Room B115
Bolling AFB DC 20332-8050
Original Text
From: xxxxxx@Lehigh.EDU, on 6/9/97 12:52 PM:
I still seem to be having a problem using the network.  I get an error
message telling me it cannot direct my e-mail.  I use Netscape to send
messages, can anyone tell me what the problem is?  Also, I only received
one response on my problem with Air Force needing universities to bill
faster.  If anyone else has any comments, I would really be interested.
Carol Sottosanti\
Lehigh University
phone 610 758-3863