Re: Clinical Study IDC Rates
Paplauskas,Leonard 15 May 1997 06:37 EST
Thanks to Tom Roberts for doing this survey again. It's real important to
keep tabs on this so that we don't get whipsawed when negotiating ClinTrial
agreements, although lately the trend has been toward negotiating captitated
rates which include IDCs.
Just looking at Tom's data, compared to the data I gathered two years ago,
1997 Mean = 24%
1995 Mean = 23.1%
Only 3 institutions changed their rates between 1995 and 1997, and one of
those was a very small (-0.4%) change. Of the other two, one increased
their rate +6%, the other decreased it by 6%.
Len Paplauskas
Asst. VP for Research
UCONN Health Center
From: Research Administration Discuss
To: Multiple recipients of list RES
Subject: Clinical Study IDC Rates
Date: Wednesday, May 14, 1997 2:53PM
Dear Colleagues-
I received 21 responses to my earlier posted question in regard to
Clinical Study IDC rates. The results are as follows:
Univ. of Florida- 25% TDC
Univ. of Connecticut- 20% TDC
Univ. of Texas HSC @ San Antonio- 20% TDC (Departments may add 5%)
Ben-Gurion Univ.- 15% TDC
Univ. of California San Fran- 29.1% MTDC and 26% MTDC off-campus
Univ. of Washington- 25% TDC
Northwestern Univ.- 35% TDC
Univ. of Chicago- 20% TDC
Henry Ford Health System- 22% TDC
Medical College of Ohio- 25% TDC
Univ. of Michigan- 15% TDC (using FDA definition of an IND or
Baylor CoM- 26% TDC
Univ. of Texas Med Branch at Galveston- 25% TDC
Univ of Tennessee @ Memphis- 20% TDC
Indiana Univ.- 25% TDC
Children's Hospital Boston- 25% MTDC
Loyola Univ. (Illinois)- 26% TDC
Mt. Sinai (New York City)- 35% TDC and 25% TDC off-campus
University of Kentucky- 26% TDC
Creighton Univ.- 20% TDC
LSU Medical Center (New Orleans)- 25% TDC
The average of the aforementioned responses is 24 %. Thanks to those
who took the time to respond.
Thomas J. Roberts, M.P.A.
Assistant Director for Research
University of Florida Health Science Center/Jacksonville
653-1 West 8th Street
Office for Research Affairs and IRB
Jacksonville, FL 32209-6511
Phone (904) 549-6693, Fax (904) 549-6844
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