Organizational Structure Survey
Diana Hyde 13 May 1997 15:27 EST
At the request of our new Vice President for Research, Florida State
University's Office of Contracts and Grants has formed a Re-engineering
Study Group to determine if change is needed in our organizational
structure. We have compiled a list of questions and are submitting it to
Universities that are involved in research. Through our survey, we hope to
learn more about how other Sponsored Program activities are structured and
in what ways the current structure assists them in effectively serving
their customers. The information received from these surveys will help
facilitate our decision on whether reorganization is necessary for FSU. We
appreciate your willingness to assist us in this effort by answering the
following 6 questions with information about your organization.
1. These are the different functions that report to the Director of
Contracts and Grants at Florida State University. Is your office structure
different from ours? If yes, please indicate what the differences are and
where these functions report.
Pre-award (proposals, setting up awards, amendments, proposal/award database)
Post-award (monitoring awards, invoicing, financial reports)
CAS Disclosure Statement
Cash Management (Letter of Credit, Accounts Receivable, Collections)
Audit Coordination
Cost Allocations (Indirect Cost Proposal, Surveys & Reports, Cost Sharing)
Computer Support Systems (create reports, hardware support, software support)
2. How is work distributed among the staff? By funding source? By
University Department? Other?
3. Could we get a copy of your organizational chart?
4. Are your award personnel divided into separate pre- and post-award
sections within the office?
Are pre- and post-award personnel combined into teams with a separation of
duties between the pre- and post-award functions?
Are responsibilities from both pre- and post-award areas combined into a
single position? i.e.) Does one person perform all duties from "cradle to
5. What is the satisfaction level of the University faculty and staff with
your current structure?
6. Would you be willing to answer more specific questions about your
operations of Contract and Grants, including employee satisfaction,
position description, etc.?
If yes, please provide a contact name and telephone number of the
appropriate person to answer additional questions.
Please send your responses directly to Kim Buckley, Grants Specialist
Supervisor, at
Diana L. Hyde
Grants Specialist Supervisor (Subcontracts)
Contracts and Grants
Florida State University
109 Herb Morgan Building
Innovation Park
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-3067
Phone: (904) 644-8664
Fax: (904) 644-1464