Signature stamp? -Reply Mary Ann Jurgus 01 May 1997 09:24 EST

There are certain documents and situations that the
administration authorizes the use of a signature stamp -- there
are, however, many agencies that ask for original signatures.  Not
knowing whether a stamp qualifies and to avoid complications,
we purchased a pen that matches the stamp and use it for
inserting the date of signature.

We do, however, comply with any and all agency documents
that specifically indicate that a stamp is not acceptable.

>>> Research Administration Discussion Group
<> 4/30/97  10:19 am >>>
 For those of you at institutions whose authorized official uses a
 signature stamp, has your institution encountered any
problems in the
 agencies accepting the signature as "original"? Our institutional
 authorized official has recently begun using a signature stamp,
 the question has arisen whether or not such a signature is
 on all documents. Are there guidelines governing the
application of
 signatures in this manner? Instructions for some forms refer to the
 "original" signature on documents, but does a signature stamp
 as original in those cases? We hope we don't have to keep a
 vigil for those forms which must have a personal signature and
 that there is some general ground rule to follow on this.

 * Molly Daniel * Office of Sponsored Programs * 745-5853 *
 Western Kentucky University
