Re: Proposal Tracking Database Designs
Michael Luczak 24 Apr 1997 13:31 EST
We are in the process of trying to re-engineer our proposal tracking
database, and at this point we are seriously thinking about creating the
system in Microsoft's Access. The program we are currently using to
track proposals is Q&A and runs in DOS. Although the program has a
Windows version, it leads a lot to be desired as far as I'm concerned.
I would like to hear from other Research and Sponsored Program offices
who have recently developed proposal tracking systems in Access.
Here are some questions I have about developing such a system in
1. One advantage with developing a program in Access it would seem is
the ability to develop letters to investigators and integrate the program
with other Microsoft applications. What has been your experience? Is
integration easy or cumbersome? (Be honest. As far as I know, Bill
Gates does not subscribe to this list.)
2. I have heard complaints from Access users regarding the report
mechanism of the product. What has been your office's experience?
What products do you use for developing reports if you do not use
Access to run your reports?
3. Do you plan to use your database program as a front-end application
for EDI grant submissions, or do you plan to use this as a back-end
application - meaning you will collect the data from EDI grant
4. Would you be willing to share your database program design? And
more important, would you be willing to share this design and perhaps
charge a nominal shareware fee to recoup costs?
Mike Luczak
Grants Administrator
Research Administration - HSC
Phone: 577-8108
Fax: 268-5551