Re: Faculty/staff survey Janet Hahn 17 Apr 1997 09:53 EST

Ellen, we have not conducted such a survey, but I suspect which
should.  I say this based on our faculty's response to our
advertising trial periods with commercial web-based databases, to
our request for feedback on which they liked, and on other
university comments on the work involved to get people linked.  Please
share the results with all.

> Our office would like to develop a survey to include with our quarterly
> newsletter to faculty and staff to gather information pertaining to funding
> searches.  We are interested in their views on electronic dissemination of
> funding opportunities, whether they find searching a Web-based database
> appealing, would they mourn the passing of our "paper" publications, etc.
> Have any of you developed such a questionnaire, and, if so, would you be
> willing to share a copy with me (by fax or mail) or pass along your comments
> concerning the idea.
> Thank you.
> Ellen Reinsch Friese

Janet Hahn, Director                         Phone: (540) 831-5479
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs    Fax: (540) 831-6636
Radford University                 
Radford, VA 24142-6926