Our office would like to develop a survey to include with our quarterly
newsletter to faculty and staff to gather information pertaining to funding
searches. We are interested in their views on electronic dissemination of
funding opportunities, whether they find searching a Web-based database
appealing, would they mourn the passing of our "paper" publications, etc.
Have any of you developed such a questionnaire, and, if so, would you be
willing to share a copy with me (by fax or mail) or pass along your comments
concerning the idea.
Thank you.
Ellen Reinsch Friese
Ellen Reinsch Friese
Assistant Director
Research and Sponsored Programs
Wright State University
122 Allyn Hall
Dayton, OH 45435-0001
(937) 775-2425 (telephone)
(937) 775-3781 (fax)
xxxxxx@wright.edu (e-mail)