Big 12 Sponsored Programs Conference
JAN PAAP GRANTS ACCT MANAGER (554-2666) --UNLVM(ZYAC038) 03 Apr 1997 10:56 EST
You are all invited to the Big 12 Sponsored Programs Conference on
April 30 - May 2, 1997 in Omaha, Nebraska. This conference is for
both pre-award and post-award sponsor programs areas. Participants
include both public and private colleges and universities of all sizes,
as well as a few non-profit organizations. The agenda includes Cost
Accounting Standards, Pre and Post Award Award Processing, Researdh
Foundations, Stress Management, NSF's Fastlane, Re-engineering,
Direct Charging of Departmental Costs, and various roundtable
discussions. For more information, please send me your fax number
or address. My e-mail address is:
Janet Paap
Manager of Grants Accounting
University of Nebraska at Omaha